Tokenomics Tab

This page provides details about tokenomics tab mentioned under Overview of Alterscope App.

The Tokenomics tab is listed under the Overview tab on the upper left when a user clicks on a specific blockchain project. See screenshot below for reference.

Components of Tokenomics Tab

Here is a breakthrough of what information is listed under the Tokenomics Tab. The information is categorised into following sections.

Details about each section is provided below with screenshots.

Token Supply Analytics

This section discussing token supply analytics which contains several parameters that are used to assess various aspects of a token's distribution, circulation, and overall health. See screenshot below for list of parameters:

  • For more information on a specific parameter click on its (i) button. The (i) button is highlighted in black box in screenshot below for reference.

Token Supply History Chart

The Token Supply History Chart under Token Analytics section provides a graphical representation for token circulating and market cap change across different time intervals(7 days and 1 month). Time intervals can be switched between 7days and 1 month using the 7D and 1M buttons on the upper right(see screenshot below).

Exchange Metrics

The exchange metrics section provides an overview of trading volume and graphic distribution pertaining to centralized exchanges (CEX)(in USD) and decentralized exchanges (DEX)(in USD) for a particular token. See screenshot below for reference.

Exchanges List

The exchange list section provides a comprehensive list of both Centralized Exchanges (CEX) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) while including various details about each exchange. See screenshot below for reference.

Here is a description for headings in Exchanges List screenshot above.

  1. Name of Exchange: This heading defines the name of the exchanges on which a selected token is traded.

  2. Type of Exchange: This heading defines the type of exchange distinguishing between centralized exchange(CEX) and decentralized exchanges(DEX).

  3. Dominance: This heading highlights the dominance value of each exchange within the market based on various factors such as market cap percentage. An exchange can have a maximum dominance value of 0.99 or less than 1.

  4. Market Cap Percentage: This heading represents the percentage of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization represented by each exchange.

  5. Market Cap (in USD): This heading represents the market capitalization of each exchange(expressed in USD).

Chain TVL Breakdown

This section defines the distribution of TVL(Total Value Locked)(in Million) for a particular token among various chains. See example below for reference.


This section highlights the tokenomics indicators that can be used for evaluating the performance of a token within the blockchain ecosystem. See the screenshot below for a list of indicators.

  • For more information on a specific indicator click on its (i) button. The (i) button is highlighted in black box in screenshot below for reference.

Indicators History

The Indicators History Chart under Indicators section provides a graphical representation for important indicators(Top 10 Concentration,Top 5 Concentration,Market Cap Dominance,Whale Ratio) across time intervals(7 days and 1 month). Time intervals can be switched between 7days and 1 month using the 7D and 1M buttons on the upper right(see screenshot below).


The Allocations section graphically highlights percentage of tokens hold by various stakeholders(Top Contributor and Others). The section also highlights percentage of tokens hold by team. See screenshot below for reference.

Tokenomics Scores

The tokenomics scores section highlights the tokenomics score and its scores history across a time interval of 7 days.

Tokenomics Score: For additional details regarding the calculation of the tokenomics score, please refer to the guide here.

Score History: The Tokenomics Score History Chart provides a visual representation of tokenomics score over a week.

Last updated