Sign up via Metamask

This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to sign up for the Alterscope App using your metamask wallet.

  1. Navigate to the Alterscope sign-up page, which should resemble the screenshot displayed below.

  1. Locate and click on the Signup via Metamask Wallet button, highlighted within a black box in the provided screenshot below.

  1. A metamask popup will prompt to sign up via metamask desktop or mobile app. See screenshot for reference.

  1. Connect and Sign in with metamask app of your choice(mobile or desktop).Upon successfully following metamask app instructions the alterscope app will show Sign In Via Metamask Wallet button. The button is highlighted in screenshot below:

  1. Upon clicking the Sign In Via Metamask Wallet button the app will redirect you to metamask extension for signature request. Below is a sample screenshot.

  1. Upon successfully signing the signature request in metamask extension the Alterscope app will automatically redirect you to the dashboard, presenting a comprehensive list of DeFi protocols for obtaining actionable insights. Refer to the screenshot below for guidance.

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